About The Ministry


To provide affordable, sustainable, accessible, and reliable communications, technology, and innovative services to the people of Sierra Leone and serve as a reservoir for technical knowledge through policy, research, planning, and coordination of communications, technology, and innovation to accelerate socio-economic growth to enhance service delivery.


To serve as a vibrant communication, technology, and innovation hub that provides strategic leadership in the creation of an enabling environment that enhances service delivery through the formulation and implementation of effective and efficient communication, technology, and innovation-related policies and programmes that promote socioeconomic transformation and development.

Functions of the Ministry


Formulate appropriate policies, legislation, and regulations for the Communication, Technology and Innovation Sector;


Provide policy guidance and strategic direction on all matters concerning Communication, Technology and Innovation;


Spearhead the development of appropriate regulatory frameworks that facilitate the promotion the successful implementation of cluster five of the Peoples Manifesto 2023;


Ensure that effective and efficient systems and processes are established for the provision of quality Communication, Technology and Innovation services across MDAs;


Coordinate and liaise with MDAs, Local Councils, regional and International organizations on Communication, Technology and innovation, and set up inter-ministerial and inter-sectoral committees;


To provide communications, technology and e-governance services to Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs);


To provide communications, technology and e-governance services to Ministries, Agencies and Departments (MDAs);


Develop suitable Communication, Technology and Innovation Sectoral delivery plans in consultation with stakeholders;


Coordinate and liaise with the Private and Public Sector Communication, Technology and Innovation Institutions to regulate their activities and monitor their services to ensure that they comply with government standards and international best practices;


Create an enabling and responsive policy environment for the enhancement of private sector investment;


Facilitate and promote effective sectoral coordination;


Promote the utilization of Communication, Technology and Innovation in all spheres of life to optimize accelerated socio-economic growth and development;


Ensure ethical behaviour and professionalism in the Ministry is achieved and maintained;


Ensure impartiality and accountability in the delivery of Communication, Technology and Innovation services to foster good governance and e-governance;


Represent the sector on the Boards of MDAs where decisions are taken;


Facilitate, network, and attract local and foreign investment in communication, technology, and innovation.

Core Values


The Ministry shall discharge its duties using highly qualified, competent, and skilled staff and ensure that services are provided impartially.


The Ministry shall exhibit the highest ethical and authentic standards in the performance of duties.

Transparency and Accountability

The Ministry shall ensure that its staff are open and accountable in the discharge of their duties.


The Ministry will encourage and instill a sense of love for the country in the implementation of its programmes.

Team Work

The Ministry shall encourage its staff to work harmoniously towards a common goal.

Collaboration and Networking

The Ministry shall work with other stakeholders in a coordinated manner.


The Ministry shall ensure that the provision of its services achieves the intended results.

Creativity and Innovation

The Ministry shall nurture the potential of its staff to conceive new ideas that address contemporary challenges.

Mutual Respect and Care

The leadership and team will ensure a supportive environment that promotes mutual respect for all, and enhances cordiality to deliver on both individual and collective objectives linked to the mandate of the office.

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